About carronuvem-cb.com
Every started on November 30, 2020 with creation of Group Fãs e Novatos de Ursinhos Carinhosos who was a group comes from Facebook, the group grew on 2023 final months to today. A year after, we launched carronuvem-cb.com with a main idea to be a unofficial DIY Care Bears activities portifolio, and a simple character website and more than to that we opened a portifolio Care Bears posts or articles, we changed dramatically the website design on your 2024 version.
Our numberlights!
Avaliable free for everyone, activites to download on carronuvem-cb.com website, also includes legacy activities.
Matched followers on every social media, for e.a, Facebook, Instagram, X, Threads and Pinterest.
Total and active members on Facebook Group Fãs e Novatos de Ursinhos Carinhosos
*Periodically updated statisitics.